Tuesday 23 November 2010

Preparing for a desert trip

The desert is the hottest place but in winter it’s very cool if you prepare a trip and you must be carefully because there are some steps you should follow.

First, you must have a SUV car. Second you must have a navigation system because if you are  lost in the desert it will help you. Then let your friends help you where you are want to go. Don’t forget to check your car like petrol and the engine. Make sure to bring food and drinking water. You must take your mobile in case you get into trouble. Don’t forget to tell your friends to bring a first- aid kit for small accidents. Finally, before going off road make sure to lower your tire pressures to the low level.
Overall, I like going to the desert in winter with bikes; also I must take everything I need. Trips in the desert are too risky if you get lost and you don’t have a mobile.

Personal reflection

In this essay I will write about my writing skills before the college and after. In 1970s the UAE didn’t have many English teachers from UK and it was difficult to come here but now we have in each school an English teacher from the UK.
My writing skills are not  good because in my school there were many English teacher came from Egypt and Syria; also they don’t have good skills to teach us correctly how we can write any essay in the correct order. After the secondary  school I went to Abu Dhabi Men’s college and my new English teacher found  horrible mistakes in my writing so he gave me some correct ways to write an essay to get full marks. Also he gave me some simple writing band 5.5. In the college I improved my writing skills because I worked on comparing and contrast and some skills.
Overall, my country was weak 20 years ago, but now it is more modern and has  good colleges and good teachers.        

How to make butter

Milk is important for everybody especially for kids to have strong bones. In this essay I will discuss the steps of turning milk into butter. First check the fresh milk quality and fat content. Second leave the milk in the cold place to keep it cool. Then separate the cream from the milk . After that churn the cream. When you have done this, make sure to drain the butter milk from the butter. Don’t forget to place the butter in a jar. Take the butter and wash it with cold water to take out the remaining buttermilk. Then let your wife add a small amount of salt for flavor. In addition, make sure to cut and wrap the butter in pieces. Finally, you must store the butter in a fridge.
Overall, making butter is a difficult and long steps. You need to follow all the procedure. You must produce  good butter.